Film ID:
Parents lifting their young daughter into the air while walking with their family along a narrow country road.
Category Images
Tags adult, amusement, boy, brother, care, carry, caucasian, child, couple, daughter, day, elementary age, entertainment, entertainments, family, father, fellow, fellows, female, full body, full length, Fun, girl, girls, group, groups, guy, guys, held, heterosexual couple, heterosexual couples, hold, holding, Holding hands, holds, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, Husband, husbands, isolate, isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, journey, journeyed, journeying, journeys, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, lifestyle, looking down, loyal, loyalty, male, man, married, mate, mates, medium group of people, mid adult, mid-air, minor, minors, mom, mother, motion, motions, movement, movements, nature, outdoor, outdoors, outside, parent, parents, partner, pastime, pastimes, people, person, persons, preschooler, preschoolers, rear view, recreation, recreational, recreations, relation, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, remote, remoteness, ride, rider, riders, rides, riding, road, roads, roadway, roadways, rode, rural, rural scene, rural scenes, seclude, secluded, secludes, secluding, seclusion, shadow, shadowed, shadows, shoulder, shoulders, sibling, siblings, sister, sisterly, sisters, small child, son, spare time, spouse, spouses, stepped, stepping, stride, strides, striding, strode, sunlight, sunny, sunshine, sunshines, Swing, swinging, swung, walk, walked, Walking, walks, wed, western european, white, wife, wives, woman, youth