Film ID:
Employer greeting a potential employee.
Categories RM, Videos
Tags adult, book, brunette, business, business woman, caucasian, check, cheerful, colleague, conversation, delight, diary, encounter, encounters, enjoyment, ensure, ensures, ensuring, executive, executives, face to face, facing each other, female, film, footage, friend, friends, friendship, gesture, gestures, Gesturing, greeting, greetings, hair back, hair tied up, half length, hand camera, handheld, handshake, handshaking, happiness, happy, hello, hi, hold, holding, holds, home, home interior, home interiors, homes, horizontal, house, house interior, house interiors, houses, indoor, indoors, inside, interior, interiors, interview, interviews, jersey, jerseys, job, job interview, jobs, journal, journals, joy, joyful, jumper, jumpers, looking at each other, make sure, makes sure, making sure, mature adult, medium length hair, meeting, meetings, mid adult, occupation, occupations, office, offices, organise, organisers, organization, organizer, organizers, organizing, pencil, pencils, people, person, personal organiser, personal organisers, personal organizer, personal organizers, place of work, planner, planners, planning, pullover, pullovers, schedule, schedules, scheduling, selective focus, shake hands, shaking hands, shoulder length hair, slo mo, slow motion, smile, smiling, speak, speaking, speaks, sweater, sweaters, talk, talking, talks, together, togetherness, top, tops, two people, waist up, well-dressed, window, windows, woman, work, working, young adult