Film ID:
Surfer paddling out to catch a wave with his young daughter.
Category Videos
Tags adult, assist, balance, bond, care, caucasian, child, cloud, daughter, dusk, elementary age, enjoyment, evening, exhilarated, exhilaration, family, father, female, film, footage, Fun, girl, girls, happiness, happy, having fun, help, helping, helps, hobbies, hobby, horizontal, kid, kids, learn, learning, learns, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, less than 10 seconds, lie down, lie on front, Lying down, lying on front, male, man, mature adult, mid adult, motion, ocean, oceans, outdoor, outdoors, outside, paddle, paddles, paddling, parent, parents, people, person, real time, recreation, recreational pursuit, recreational pursuits, sea, seas, selective focus, Skill, sport, Sports, sun, sundown, sunset, sunshine, surf, surface level, Surfboard, surfboards, Surfer, surfers, Surfing, surfs, teach, teaches, teaching, three quarter length, together, togetherness, tracking shot, travelling shot, twilight, two people, water, water sport, wave, waves, weekend activities, weekend activity, young adult