Film ID:
Young nurse smiling and holding a clipboard.
Categories RM, Videos
Tags adult, black hair, brunette, clinic, content, doctor, doctor's office, expert, expertise, experts, file, files, film, folder, folders, footage, frame, frames, Fun, hair back, hair tied up, happiness, happy, having fun, head, head & shoulders, head and shoulders, head shot, headshot, health, healthcare, healthcare and medicine, hold, holding, holds, horizontal, indian, indian appearance, indian ethnicity, indoor, indoors, inside, job, jobs, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, less than 10 seconds, lockdown, looking away, md, medical, medical practitioner, medical practitioners, medicine, mid adult, nurse, nurses, occupation, occupations, one person, paperwork, people, person, physician, physicians, picture frame, picture frames, place of work, pleased, real time, recreation, recreational pursuit, recreational pursuits, scrubs, selective focus, shoulders, specialist, specialists, still, uniform, uniforms, window, windows, work, working, young adult