Film ID:
Two young girls happily skipping in the garden with their dog.
Category Videos
Tags animal, backyard, barefoot, blond, bond, border collie, brunette, building, caucasian, chair, child, day, dog, domestic, dress, elementary age, enjoyment, family, female, Fence, fenced, fences, fencing, film, footage, front or back yard, frontyard, frontyards, full length, Fun, garden, gardens, girl, girls, grass, hair back, hair tied up, hand in hand, happiness, happy, having fun, hedge, hedges, hold hand, hold hands, holding hand, Holding hands, home, homes, hop, hopping, hops, horizontal, house, house exterior, house exteriors, household, households, houses, kid, kids, lawn, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, less than 10 seconds, look away, looking away, love, loving, one animal, outdoor, outdoor chair, outdoor chairs, outdoor furniture, outdoor seat, outdoor seats, outdoors, outside, people, person, pet, pets, plant, plants, Quality time, real time, recreation, recreational pursuit, recreational pursuits, residence, residences, rocking chair, rocking chairs, run, Running, runs, seat, seats, selective focus, shrub, shrubs, sibling, siblings, sister, sisters, skip, skipping, skips, together, togetherness, towhead, tracking shot, travelling shot, Tree, trees, two people, weekend activities, weekend activity