Film ID:
Bare legs of two women wearing robes while sitting reading the newspaper.
Category Images
Tags adult, affectionate, america, american, barefoot, breakfast, california, caucasian, chair, companion, couple, day, domestic, family, feel, feeling, feels, felt, female, flirt, flirtation, flirtations, flirtatious, flirted, flirting, flirts, Food, Food and drink, foods, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, fruit, fruited, fruits, furnishing, furnishings, Furniture, gay, gay couple, gays, girlfriend, girlfriends, held, hold, holding, holds, homosexual, homosexual couple, homosexual couples, homosexuals, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, indoor, indoors, inside, journal, journals, legs crossed, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, lesbian, lesbians, lifestyle, lifestyles, love, low section, lower body, married, mate, mates, mid adult, morn, morning, mornings, news, newspaper, newspapers, north america, only females, only women, partner, people, periodical, periodicals, person, persons, publication, read, reader, readers, reading, reads, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, relax, Relaxation, relaxed, relaxes, relaxing, rest, rested, Resting, rests, same-sex, sat, seat, seated, seating, seats, shoeless, Side view, side views, sit, sits, sitting, spare time, spouse, spouses, strawberries, strawberry, sweetheart, sweethearts, table, Tables, touch, touched, touches, Touching, truelove, trueloves, two people, u.s., u.s.a., united states, us, USA, wed, west coast, western european, wife, wives, woman