Film ID:
Blow up paddling pool in the back yard of a house.
Category Images
Tags absent, america, architectural exterior, backyard, barbecue, building, chainlink fence, day, domestic, dwelling, dwellings, exterior, Fence, fenced, fences, filled, front yard, front yards, full, garden, gardens, home, homes, house, houses, housing, inflatable, inflatable pool, inflatable pools, lifestyle, lifestyles, middle class, murky, neighbor, neighbors, new york, nobody, normal, northeast, outdoor, outdoor furniture, outdoors, outside, paddling pool, paddling pools, patio, pool, pools, residence, residences, residential, residential district, residential districts, residential structure, residential structures, Suburb, suburban, suburbia, suburbs, swimming pool, Tree, trees, umbrella, united states, united states of america, urbane, USA, vertical, vignette, wait, waiting, water