Film ID:
Young adult businessmen looking at documents with a female colleague in an office.
Category Images
Tags accessory, adult, asia, asian, assess, associate, beijing, boss, business, business attire, business man, business woman, chat, china, chinese culture, clothes, colleague, commerce, communicate, conference, conversation, cooperate, crane, day, dock, east asia, enterprise, enterprises, equipment, evaluation, evaluations, examine, examined, examines, examining, executive, export, exportation, exportations, exported, exporting, exports, exterior, exteriors, eyed, eyeing, fellow, fellows, female, garment, garments, gather, gathered, gathering, gatherings, gathers, guy, guys, hands on hips, harbor, harbors, harbour, harbours, hard hats, hard-hat, hardhat, hat, hats, hear, heard, hearing, hears, helmet, helmets, import, importation, importations, imported, importing, imports, industrial, industrialization, industrializations, industrialized, industries, industry, levee, levees, listen, listened, listener, listeners, listening, listens, Looking, low angle, low angle view, machine, machineries, machinery, machines, male, man, manage, managed, management, managements, manager, managerial, managers, manages, managing, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturers, manufactures, manufacturing, meet, meeting, meetings, meets, met, organized, organizes, organizing, outdoor, outdoors, outside, peking, people, peoples republic of china, person, persons, Pier, piers, port, ports, protect, protected, Protecting, protection, protects, quay, quays, rear view, safe, Safety, safety-hat, safety-hats, security, see, seeing, sees, shanghai, shanghai images, shipped, shipping, speak, speaking, speaks, spoken, standing, stood, suit, suited, suits, supervise, supervised, supervises, supervising, supervision, supervisions, talk, talked, talker, talkers, talking, talks, team, teammate, teammates, teams, Teamwork, thing, three quarter length, toil, toiled, toiling, toils, tour, toured, touring, tours, trade, trades, transit, transport, Transportation, transported, transporting, transports, vehicle, vehicles, vertical, vertically, verticals, viewed, viewing, Wharf, wharfs, wharves, woman, work, worked, working, works