Film ID:
Mature businessman wiping his shoe with a newspaper while resting his foot on a concrete step.
Category Images
Tags adult, african american, balance, bend, business, business man, caucasian, concentrate, day, enterprise, enterprises, executive, fellow, fellows, focus, focused, focuses, focusing, glow, glowed, glowing, glows, guy, guys, held, hold, holding, holds, journal, journals, looking down, low section, lower body, male, man, mid adult, news, newspaper, newspapers, of african descent, one person, only males, only men, outdoor, outdoors, outside, people, periodical, periodicals, person, persons, publication, radiance, radiant, radiantly, radiate, radiated, radiates, radiating, reach, reached, reaches, Reaching, shining, squat, squats, squatted, squatter, squatters, Squatting, stair, staircase, staircases, stairs, stairway, stairways, step, steps, vertical, vertically, verticals, western european, white, young adult