Film ID:
Mid-adult businessman making a hanging gesture with his neck tie while sitting in an office with his two unaware colleagues.
Category Images
Tags administration, adult, african american, amusement, associate, attitude, blues, bored, bureaucracy, business, business man, business woman, caucasian, choke, colleague, comedy, communicate, companion, conference, cooperate, couch, davenport, dejection, deserted, despair, discontent, disgruntled, disregard, divan, enterprise, enterprises, executive, fellow, fellows, female, fooled, fooling, front view, front views, funnily, funny, furnishing, furnishings, Furniture, gather, gathered, gathering, gatherings, gathers, gesture, gestured, gestures, Gesturing, glass, glasses, group, groups, guy, guys, hilarious, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, Humor, humorous, humour, humourous, ignore, ignored, ignores, ignoring, impassive, impassively, indifference, indifferently, indoor, indoors, Information, inside, jest, jested, jesting, jests, joke, joked, joker, jokers, jokes, joking, kidded, kidding, lethargic, lethargy, male, man, meet, meeting, meetings, meets, melancholic, melancholy, met, mid adult, motion, motioned, motioning, motions, movement, movements, objected, objecting, occupation, occupations, of african descent, office, offices, overlook, overlooked, overlooking, overlooks, paper, papers, paperwork, partner, people, person, persons, sad, saddened, sadness, sat, seat, seated, seats, see-through, settee, settees, sheer, sheerness, signaled, signaling, sit, sits, sitting, Sofa, sofas, sorrow, sorrowful, sorrows, standing, stood, three quarter length, toil, toiled, toiling, toils, transparent, unhappy, unsatisfied, wall, walled, walls, western european, window, windows, wit, witty, woman, work, worked, working, working together, workplace, workplaces, works