Film ID:
Group of wind turbines alongside a highway.
Category Images
Tags alternative energy, answer, ballot, barren, blue sky, blur, california, car, circle, clear sky, cloudless, commerce, conservation, copy space, day, desert, drill, electricity, energies, energy, environment, environmental, environmental issues, exterior, exteriors, forcibly, fossil, freeway, freeways, fuel, fuels, future, gas, gasoline, generating, guard rail, highway, highways, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, idea, in a row, industry, innovation, innovations, interstate, interstates, invention, isolate, isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, issue, journey, journeying, journeys, low angle, low angle view, make it happen, median, mill, mills, motion, Motion blur, motions, motorcar, motorcars, motorway, motorways, movement, movements, natural, negative space, negative spaces, nobody, offshore, oil, on the move, outdoor, outdoors, outside, passenger car, passenger cars, passenger vehicle, passenger vehicles, possibilities, Power, powerful, powerfully, rail, remote, remoteness, renewable, resources, revolve, revolved, revolves, revolving, road, roads, rotate, rotated, rotates, rotating, rotation, rotations, row, rows, rugged, rural, rural scene, rural scenes, seclude, secluded, secludes, secluding, seclusion, severe, severely, skies, sky, skyline, social issues, street, streets, sunlight, sunny, sunshine, sunshines, tough, trade, trades, transit, transport, Transportation, transported, transporting, transports, travel, traveled, traveling, travelled, travelling, travels, trip, trips, turbine, turn, turned, turning, turnpike, turnpikes, turns, vehicle, vehicles, vision, white space, wind, wind farm, wind power, windmill, windmills, winds, windy