Film ID:
Young girl looking out to sea as she sits on a boat with family.
Category Images
Tags african american, background people, child, close up, consider, day, daydream, elementary age, exterior, exteriors, female, girl, girls, head and shoulders, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, ideal, idealistic, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, lean, leaned, leaning, leans, leant, minor, minors, observation, observations, observe, observed, observes, observing, of african descent, one person, only children, only females, only girls, outdoor, outdoors, outside, palmetto, palmetto bluff, people, person, persons, ponder, pondered, pondering, ponders, profile, profiles, Side view, side views, south carolina, spectate, spectated, spectates, spectating, spectator, spectators, thinking, viewed, viewing, Watch, watched, watches, watching, whimsical, whimsy, youth