Film ID:
View of an elderly man baking meat on a fire.
Category Images
Tags ability, adult, amusement, antique, argentina, barbecue, burn, camp, campfire, caucasian, cook, cookware, countryside, day, dry, elderly, entertainment, entertainments, expertise, exterior, exteriors, fellow, fellows, field, fields, fire, fires, flame, flames, Food, Food and drink, foods, front view, front views, full body, full length, grill, grille, grilled, grilles, grilling, grills, guy, guys, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, know-how, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, lifestyle, lifestyles, male, man, mature adult, meal, meals, meat, meats, meaty, old, one person, only males, only men, outdated, outdoor, outdoors, outmoded, outside, pastime, pastimes, people, person, persons, protein, proteins, raw, recreation, recreational, recreations, retire, retired, retirement, retirements, retires, retiring, rural, senior adult, Skill, skilled, skills, smoke, smoked, smokes, smokey, smoking, spare time, specialties, specialty, standing, stood, sunlight, sunny, sunshine, sunshines, technique, techniques, Tree, tree trunk, tree trunks, trees, trunk, trunks, uncooked, Vintage, western european