Film ID:
View of an elderly woman pushing a man on wheelchair.
Category Images
Tags adult, aged, aging, argentina, assist, blur, bond, care, caucasian, clinic, companion, couple, day, disabled, elder, elderly, elders, family, fellow, fellows, female, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, full body, full length, future, geriatric, geriatrics, golden years, guy, guys, handicap, handicaps, heal, healed, healing, healings, heals, healthcare, help, helped, helpful, helpfulness, helping, helps, heterosexual couple, heterosexual couples, hinder, hindered, hindering, hinders, hindrance, hindrances, hope, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, hospital, hospitals, Husband, husbands, ill, illness, illnesses, indoor, indoors, inside, insurance, male, man, married, mate, mates, mature adult, medical, medical care, medical science, medical sciences, medically, medicinal, medicine, medicines, Motion blur, oap, oaps, old, old-timer, old-timers, on the move, partner, patient, patients, pensioner, pensioners, people, person, persons, profile, profiles, propel, propelled, propelling, propels, propulsion, propulsions, push, pushed, pushes, pushing, recover, recovered, recoveries, recovering, recovers, recovery, recuperate, recuperated, recuperates, recuperating, recuperation, recuperations, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, retire, retired, retirement, retirements, retires, retiring, revive, revived, revives, reviving, sat, seated, security, senior adult, shove, shoved, shoves, shoving, sick, sickly, sickness, Side view, side views, sit, sits, sitting, social, socialize, socialized, socializes, socializing, socially, spouse, spouses, standing, stepped, stepping, stood, stride, strides, striding, strode, together, togetherness, transit, transport, transports, two people, vehicle, vehicles, visit, visited, visiting, visitor, visitors, visits, walk, walked, Walking, walks, wed, western european, wheelchair, wheelchairs, wife, wives, woman