Film ID:
Young boy getting golf tips from his mid-adult father as his mother and two men watch.
Category Images
Tags adult, african american, amusement, assist, begin, bond, boy, brother, caucasian, child, club, clubhouse, companion, cooperate, country club, day, elementary age, entertainment, entertainments, family, father, fellow, fellows, female, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, front view, front views, full body, full length, Fun, game, games, genesis, golf, golf club, golf clubs, golfed, golfer, golfers, golfing, golfs, group, groups, guidance, guy, guys, help, helped, helpful, helpfulness, helping, helps, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, inception, inceptions, indoor, indoors, inside, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, learn, learned, learning, learns, learnt, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, lifestyle, lifestyles, male, man, mature adult, medium group of people, mid adult, mingle, mingled, mingles, mingling, mom, mother, observation, observations, observe, observed, observes, observing, of african descent, origin, origins, palmetto, palmetto bluff, parent, parents, pastime, pastimes, people, person, persons, played, Playful, playfulness, Playing, Practice, practiced, practices, practicing, practise, practised, practises, practising, profile, profiles, recreation, recreational, recreations, rehearsal, rehearsals, rehearse, rehearsed, rehearses, rehearsing, relation, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, sat, seated, sibling, siblings, Side view, side views, sit, sits, sitting, social, socialize, socialized, socializes, socializing, socially, societies, society, son, south carolina, spare time, spectate, spectated, spectates, spectating, spectator, spectators, sport, Sports, sportsman, standing, stood, studied, studies, study, studying, surface level, together, togetherness, viewed, viewing, Watch, watched, watches, watching, western european, woman, youth