Film ID:
Portrait of a mid-adult woman holding wine glass at a Christmas party.
Categories Images, RF
Tags adult, alcohol, ambiance, america, american, amusement, anticipation, atmosphere, attractive, background people, bliss, california, candle, candlelight, carefree, caucasian, celebrate, cheerful, christmas, christmas tree, container, country, countryside, decoration, delight, drawing room, drink, enjoyment, entertain, entertained, entertaining, entertainment, entertainments, entertains, expectation, expectations, fellow, fellows, female, festive, festivities, festivity, Food, Food and drink, foods, front view, front views, gaieties, gaiety, gaily, gather, gathered, gathering, gatherings, gathers, glad, gladly, gladness, glamor, glamorous, glamour, glamours, glass, glasses, gleeful, gleefully, gleefulness, gratification, gratifications, gratified, gratify, gratifying, gratifys, guy, guys, happiness, happy, held, hold, holding, holds, holiday, holidaying, holidays, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, illuminated, illumination, illuminations, indoor, indoors, inside, jollied, jollies, jolly, joy, joyful, joyous, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, light hearted, lighthearted, lightheartedly, lightheartedness, liquid, liquids, liquor, liquors, Living room, livingroom, livingrooms, looking at camera, lounge, lounges, male, man, marin, merriment, merry, mid adult, mingle, mingled, mingles, mingling, noel, north america, northern california, parties, party, partys, pastime, pastimes, people, person, persons, petaluma, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, portrait, Portraits, portraiture, pose, posed, poses, posing, rejoice, rejoiced, rejoices, rejoicing, Room, Rooms, rural, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfies, satisfy, satisfying, sip, sipped, sipping, sips, sitting room, sitting rooms, smile, smiled, smiles, smiling, social, socialize, socialized, socializes, socializing, socially, societies, society, sonoma, sonoma county, spare time, standing, stood, suburban, town, towns, Tree, trees, two people, u.s., u.s.a., unconcerned, united states, us, USA, village, villages, waist up, west coast, western european, white wine, white wines, wine, wine glass, wine glasses, wines, woman, x-mas, x-mases, x-mass, xmas, xmases, xmass, yule, yules, yuletide