Film ID:
Unhappy golden Labrador being sprayed with the garden hose.
Category Videos
Tags animal, backyard, bath, bathe, care, child, clean, cropped, day, dog, domestic, elementary age, female, film, footage, front or back yard, front yard, front yards, frontyard, frontyards, garden, garden hose, garden hoses, gardens, girl, girls, golden labrador, golden labradors, grass, grassy, hand, hand camera, handheld, Hands, hold, holding, holds, horizontal, hose, hosepipe, hosepipes, hoses, human hand, Hygiene, hygienic, kid, kids, lab, labrador, labradors, labs, lawn, lawns, less than 1 second, less than 10 seconds, non-urban, one animal, one person, outdoor, outdoors, outside, part of, people, person, pet, pet care, pets, real time, selective focus, splash, splashes, splashing, spray, spraying, sprays, steel bath, steel baths, Summer, summery, unhappiness, unhappy, unimpressed, warm, warmth, wash, washes, Washing, water, wet