Film ID:
Mature adult businessman sitting with a mid-adult female colleague on the end of a wharf.
Categories Images, RM
Tags adult, associate, backlit, beautiful, brainstorming, break, bridge, business, business man, business woman, caucasian, collaborate, colleague, companion, day, decide, dock, executive, fellow, female, footpath, footpaths, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, front view, front views, golden gate, golden gate bridge, guy, head in hands, historic, historical, historical landmark, histories, History, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, jetties, jetty, Landmark, landmarks, lean, leaned, leaning, leanness, leans, leant, levee, levees, location, locations, lunch, male, man, marine, mature adult, meeting, metropolitan, mid adult, northern california, ocean, oceans, old, outdoor, outdoors, outside, partner, path, paths, pathway, pathways, pavement, pavements, people, person, persons, rail, railing, railings, rails, relationship, relationships, resolution, resolutions, resolve, resolved, resolves, resolving, San Francisco, sat, scenic view, scenic views, scenics, sea, seas, seated, senior adult, sf life styles, sidewalk, sidewalks, sit, sits, sitting, solitude, suspension, thinking, three quarter length, tourist attraction, tourist attractions, transit, transport, Transportation, transports, travel, travel destinations, two people, urban, walkway, walkways, water, water-front, water-fronts, waterfront, waterfronts, waters, western european, white, woman, young adult