Film ID:
Mature adult woman standing with two horses as two teenage girls stroke the horses.
Category Images
Tags accessory, adult, affectionate, amusement, animal, bond, care, caress, caucasian, child, closed eyes, clothes, companion, curious, day, defend, elementary age, embrace, embraced, embraces, embracing, entertainment, entertainments, equestrian, equestrians, exterior, exteriors, eyes closed, eyes shut, familiar, familiarity, family, female, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, Fun, garment, garments, girl, girls, group, groups, harness, harnesses, hat, hats, head gear, held, helmet, helmets, herbivore, herbivores, herbivorous, hitch, hitches, hold, holding, holds, hoof, hooves, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, horse, horseback, horseback riding, horseback-rider, horseback-riders, horsemanship, horses, hug, hugged, hugging, hugs, interest, interests, intimacy, intimate, intimately, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, lamppost, lampposts, learn, learned, learning, learns, learnt, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, Mammal, mammals, mature adult, mid adult, minor, minors, nature, outdoor, outdoors, outside, palmetto, palmetto bluff, pastime, pastimes, people, person, persons, petted, petting, pre-adolescent, pre-adolescent child, pre-adolescent children, profile, profiles, protect, protected, Protecting, protection, protects, reach, reached, reaches, Reaching, rear view, recreation, recreational, recreations, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, ride, rider, riders, rides, riding, rode, safe, safeguard, safeguards, Safety, security, sibling, siblings, Side view, side views, sister, sisterly, sisters, south carolina, spare time, sport, stroked, stroking, studied, studies, study, studying, teenager, thing, together, togetherness, uniform, uniforms, vertebrate, vertebrates, waist up, warm-blooded, western european, woman, youth