Film ID:
Young girl playing a piano while wearing a tutu and tiara.
Category Images
Tags ability, accessory, amusement, art, arts and entertainment, asian, baby grand, ballerina, ballet, begin, bench, child, clothes, Costume, crown, culture, dance, dancer, dress up, educate, educated, educates, educating, Education, elementary age, elevated view, entertainer, entertainers, entertainment, entertainments, expertise, female, frill, frilled, frills, frilly, full body, full length, Fun, furnishing, furnishings, Furniture, garment, garments, genesis, girl, girls, grand, grand piano, headdress, headdresses, headpiece, headpieces, high angle, high angle view, hobbies, hobby, inception, inceptions, indoor, indoors, inside, instruction, instructions, instrument, instrumental, instruments, jewellery, jewelry, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, know-how, knowledge, knowledgeable, learn, learned, learning, learns, learnt, leisure, leisure activities, leisure activity, leisure time, leisurely, minor, minors, Music, musical, Musical instrument, musical instruments, musically, Musician, musicians, one person, only children, only females, only girls, oriental, orientals, origin, origins, Outfit, outfits, pastime, pastimes, people, perform, performance, performances, performed, performer, performers, performing, performs, person, persons, piano, pianos, played, Playful, playfulness, Playing, Practice, practiced, practices, practicing, practise, practised, practises, practising, profile, profiles, recreation, recreational, recreations, rehearsal, rehearsals, rehearse, rehearsed, rehearses, rehearsing, ruffle, ruffled, ruffles, ruffling, sat, seat, seated, seats, Side view, side views, sit, sits, sitting, Skill, skilled, skills, skirt, skirts, spare time, stool, stools, studied, studies, study, studying, taught, teach, teaches, teaching, technique, techniques, tiara, tiaras, tutor, tutored, tutoring, tutors, tutu, tutus, understand, understanding, understands, vertical, vertically, verticals, youth