Film ID:
Doves being released at wedding
Categories Images, RM
Tags adore, adult, affectionate, animal, architecture, bird, bliss, bond, bridal party, bride, bridesmaid, building, calm, care, caucasian, celebrate, ceremony, cheerful, christian, church, companion, couple, day, delight, devotion, doves, dwelling, dwellings, edifice, edifices, egg-layer, egg-layers, egg-laying, emotion, enjoyment, event, events, exterior, exteriors, facade, facades, family, feather, feathered, feathers, feel, feeling, feels, fellow, fellows, felt, female, festivities, festivity, flew, flight, flights, flown, flying, fondness, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, front, front view, front views, fronts, gaieties, gaiety, gaily, gay, glad, gladly, gladness, gleeful, gleefully, gleefulness, gratification, gratifications, gratified, gratify, gratifying, gratifys, groom, grooms, group, groups, guy, guys, happiness, happy, heterosexual couple, heterosexual couples, home, homes, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, house, house of worship, housed, houses, housing, Husband, husbands, jollied, jollies, jolly, joy, joyful, joyous, lighthearted, lightheartedly, lightheartedness, lodge, lodged, lodges, lodging, lodgings, love, loved, loves, loving, loyal, loyalty, male, man, marital, marriage, marriages, married, marrieds, marries, marry, marrying, mate, mates, medium group of people, merriment, merry, mid adult, milepost, mileposts, milestone, milestones, motion, motions, movement, movements, nature, newlywed, newlyweds, nuptials, omnivore, omnivores, omnivorous, outdoor, outdoors, outside, palmetto, palmetto bluff, partner, passion, passionate, passionately, passions, peace, peaceful, peacefully, peacefulness, people, person, persons, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, regard, rejoice, rejoiced, rejoices, rejoicing, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, releasing, residence, residences, romance, romances, romantic, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfies, satisfy, satisfying, soar, soared, soaring, soars, south carolina, spouse, spouses, standing, stood, structure, structures, symbol, symbolic, symbolically, symbols, together, togetherness, unite, unites, uniting, vertebrate, vertebrates, waist up, warm-blooded, wed, wedded, wedding, wedding day, weddings, weds, western european, wife, wild, wildlife, wives, woman