Film ID:
Mature couple celebrating their wedding anniversary with their daughter.
Categories Images, RF
Tags adore, adult, affectionate, african american, anniversary, appreciate, bake, baked goods, bald, balding, bliss, blow, cake, candle, care, celebrate, cheerful, commitment, container, couple, daughter, day, delight, dessert, devotion, domestic, dwelling, dwellings, elderly, emotion, enjoyment, event, events, excite, excited, excitement, excitements, excites, exciting, exterior, faithful, family, father, feel, feeling, feels, fellow, fellows, felt, female, festivities, festivity, fondness, Food, Food and drink, foods, gaieties, gaiety, gaily, gave, generosity, generous, generousness, give, given, giver, givers, gives, giving, glad, gladly, gladness, glassware, gleeful, gleefully, gleefulness, gratification, gratifications, gratified, gratify, gratifying, gratifys, guy, guys, hairless, hairlessness, happiness, happy, held, heterosexual couple, heterosexual couples, hold, holding, holds, home, homes, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, house, housed, houses, housing, Husband, husbands, jollied, jollies, jolly, joy, joyful, joyous, lemonade, life events, lifestyle, lighthearted, lightheartedly, lightheartedness, lodge, lodged, lodges, lodging, lodgings, love, loved, loves, loving, loyal, loyalty, male, man, marital, marriage, marriages, married, marrieds, marries, marry, marrying, mate, mates, matrimonial, matrimony, mature adult, merriment, merry, mid adult, milepost, mileposts, milestone, milestones, mom, mother, obligation, obligations, observation, observations, observe, observed, observes, observing, occasion, occasions, of african descent, old, outdoor, outdoors, outside, parent, parents, partner, people, person, persons, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, porch, porches, provide, provided, provides, providing, receding hairline, regard, rejoice, rejoiced, rejoices, rejoicing, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, relished, relishing, residence, residences, responsibilities, Responsibility, retire, retired, retirement, retirements, retires, retiring, sat, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfies, satisfy, satisfying, seated, senior adult, Side view, side views, sit, sits, sitting, smile, smiled, smiles, smiling, spectate, spectated, spectates, spectating, spectator, spectators, spouse, spouses, standing, stood, three quarter length, viewed, viewing, waist up, Watch, watched, watches, watching, wed, wedlock, wife, wives, woman