Film ID:
Two young students sitting on the ground reading books.
Category Images
Tags accessory, african american, alabama, ambition, aspire, begin, book, bowtie, boy, building, caucasian, child, citizenship, clothes, column, companion, concept, cross, cross-legged, curious, day, develop, edifice, edifices, educate, educated, educates, educating, Education, elementary age, fellow, fellows, floor, floors, friend, friendliness, friendly, friends, friendship, friendships, front view, front views, full body, full length, garment, garments, genesis, inception, inceptions, indoor, indoors, Information, inside, instruction, instructions, interest, interests, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, knowledge, knowledgeable, learn, learned, learning, learns, learnt, leg, legs, loyal, loyalty, male, nationalism, Necktie, Neckwear, of african descent, only boys, only children, origin, origins, patriotic, patriotism, people, person, persons, pillar, pillars, porch, porches, public spirit, read, reader, readers, reading, reads, relationship, relationships, sat, search, searched, searcher, searchers, searches, searching, seated, seek, seeking, seeks, sit, sits, sitting, sought, structure, structures, studied, studies, study, studying, surface level, taught, teach, teaches, teaching, thing, tie, ties, tome, tomes, tutor, tutored, tutoring, tutors, two people, vertical, vertically, verticals, western european, youth