Film ID:
Side view of a modern house.
Category Images
Tags america, american, american flag, architecture, building, citizenship, day, door, doorway, dwelling, dwellings, edifice, edifices, entrance, entrances, entries, entry, exterior, exteriors, facade, facades, flag, flagpole, flagpoles, flags, front, fronts, gable, gables, home, homes, horizontal, horizontally, horizontals, house, housed, houses, housing, lodge, lodged, lodges, lodging, lodgings, loyal, loyalty, nationalism, nobody, old glory, outdoor, outdoors, outside, patriotic, patriotism, pennant, pennants, Picket fence, pole, poles, porch, porches, portal, portals, Pride, prideful, proud, proudly, public spirit, residence, residences, roof, roofs, stars and stripes, structure, structures, sunlight, sunny, sunshine, sunshines, window, windows, youth