Film ID:
A man is walking with his camels with a river seen in the foreground.
Categories Images, RM
Tags accessory, adult, africa, animal, beach, blue, camel, child, clothes, coast, commute, culture, day, elementary age, exterior, exteriors, family, father, fellow, fellows, female, fit, follow, followed, following, follows, full body, full length, fur, furs, garment, garments, getaway, getaways, girl, girls, guy, guys, headdress, headdresses, Headgear, headpiece, headpieces, heat, herbivore, herbivores, herbivorous, heritage, holiday, holidaying, holidays, hoof, hooves, horse, horses, hot, journey, journeyed, journeying, journeys, juvenile, juveniles, kid, kids, lead, leading, leads, led, lifestyle, lifestyles, male, Mammal, mammals, man, marine, middle eastern, minor, minors, natural, nature, ocean, oceans, outdoor, outdoors, outside, pack animal, pack animals, panorama, panoramas, panoramic, panoramics, parent, parents, people, person, persons, preschooler, preschoolers, profile, profiles, pursue, pursued, pursues, pursuing, relationship, relationships, relative, Relatives, rider, river, rivers, ruminant, ruminants, saddle, saddles, sand, sands, sandy, sea, seacoast, seacoasts, seas, seashore, seashores, shore, shoreline, shorelines, shores, Side view, side views, small child, standing, stepped, stepping, stood, stride, strides, striding, strode, sunlight, sunny, sunshine, sunshines, three quarter length, tourist attraction, traditional clothes, Trail, trailed, trailing, trails, transit, transport, Transportation, transported, transporting, transports, travel, travel destinations, traveled, traveling, travelled, travelling, travels, trip, trips, turban, turbans, two people, vacationing, vertebrate, vertebrates, walk, walked, Walking, walks, warm-blooded, water, waterfront, waterfronts, waters, waterway, waterways, wild, wildlife, youth